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 Taurus servo 


What is Servo and what are its benefits?

 Taurus servo 

SERVO user opinions


Price: 135EUR

  • SERVO GAIN - adjustment.

  • BOOST - increases output signal level and makes sound slightly "crunchy".   Two level  bosting.

  • TRUE BYPASS -  in OFF mode your instrument’s original signal goes through, bypasses all electronic components.

  • POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE 9-15V: any power supply with power rating between 9 and 15V can be used

  • POLARITY AUTO DETECTION: allows using either centre-positive or negative polarity on power supply

  • DC ASSISTANT: protection against signal loss. If disconnected or the voltage is lower then 6V the effect is automatically switched to the "bypass" mode

  • Current consumption: 40mA (max)

  • DIMENSIONS: (H x W x D) 50 x 66 x 110mm

  • WEIGHT: 0,3kg

Taurus SERVO-ENHANCER is a professional tool to help you achieve great guitar sound. The device  makes the sound very vivid and saturated while it does not interfere with the original guitar sound. The feeling is that you are playing on much higher quality instrument then it originally is.


The SERVO  enriches the sound of  instrument, adding the qualities  which make playing more enjoyable and even more importantly, more inspiring. Additionally, it makes the guitar very well set in the overall band mix.


The SERVO complements these features which while playing, guitarists need the most to achieve the full comfort. By using Taurus SERVO you will notice how rich in the harmonics sound of your instrument is and how significantly they complement the sound. Suddenly you will discover the tones which were absent in the  sound of your guitar and now they  begin to flow freely, becoming so friendly and inspirational. 


The SERVO is designed to work with any type of traditional and digital profiling amplifier and preamp. It also performs very well while recording guitar directly to the computer. The unit is extremely easy to use - it is recommended to connect it directly to the guitar as a first component of the entire effects chain.
We encourage you to try out our cube ! Hopefully it will become the main tool in the arsenal of your effects, creating your own original guitar sound.

The most frequently repeated query is: What exactly is Servo? Is this a preamp? Buffer? Booster? Maximizer?  Afterburner? etc... What kind of effect could it be compared to?


We do not want to refer directly to other devices because they have nothing to do with SERVO. So let this be our definition of this effect. Taurus SERVO is difficult to compare with other effects because it works differently than generally known effects. 
SERVO does not change the guitar sound properties. It is equipped only with one SERVO GAIN regulation knob, which saturates the sound. The rest remains unchanged.This means that if a musician already has "His sound" or “His tone”, the servo does not interfere with its general characteristics, but very gently complements it.
The sound becomes more saturated , brighter, resonates better with much better sustain, therefor the playing is  much easier and more pleasant.


The name SERVO is not accidental -  It is a unit which is always on and unnoticed until it stops working. For example, the power-steering servo in a vehicle is always functioning. To turn the steering wheel is easy. If the servo fails or isn’t functional, it is difficult to turn the steering wheel. The most noticeable thing is when the SERVO stops working. This is the same in the case of our Servo effect. Check out what happens to the sound after switching off the SERVO on this video presentation: check here.


The BOOST switch gives a slighty higher ceiling in volume and saturation. You will also notice  a bit more aggressiveness or grit in the character of your sound. The GAIN knob adjusts the saturation while the Boost switch is engaged. The SERVO works best with CLEAN and CRUNCH type sounds and does not contribute as much to heavily distorted or overdriven sounds. In this case,  the role boils down to complementing the sound quality. If you use the CLEAN and CRUNCH sounds, you will also feel the SERVO action under your fingers. Based on musicians opinions, you can also draw some conclusions as to the role of SERVO. Read more.

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Taurus Custom Shop

Taurus Custom

how to get a great guitar sound with Taurus Servo. TUBE EMULATOR, BUFOR, SUSTAINER, COMPRESSOR, BOOSTER.

Designed by musicians for musicians